The Gifts of Tongues and Hands

Have you read the phrase “the gift of tongues” in the Bible and wondered what it meant? Well, in the LDS faith we understand it to be not babbling in language that no one understands, but in part, to be able to communicate in a language that others DO understand that is not native to oneself. I had a special experience with it today. It’s … Continue reading The Gifts of Tongues and Hands

I spoke to my 17 & 20 year old sons about sexual harassment.

In light of all of the stories coming forward in late 2017 and early 2018 from women and men who had been harassed or abused, we’ve had a few exchanges in our family about our reactions. I found myself wondering why I usually ended up defending the accusers and victims while the others seemed not near as compassionate or sympathetic as I felt they should … Continue reading I spoke to my 17 & 20 year old sons about sexual harassment.